
Sometimes, You Just Can't Do It Yourself

If there is anything Kendra and I know, it is that our home-improvement skills have limits. With the bulk of the painting done at the country estate, we are just about ready to enter phase 2 - the contractor phase. So Kendra met with our contractor at the house today to discuss the scope of our work. We will be starting the construction of our new master suite by borrowing some of the adjoining bedroom to create a new walk-in closet. In the long-term plans (but not necessarily to be done right away) is to turn the existing closet + some unfinished space into a master bath, and to add a laundry room off the upstairs hall.

We also have about 800 square feet of wood floors to refinish (remember all that carpet we pulled up?). This is going to make a huge difference and give us a very "finished" feel, as we will be refinishing the floors in the office, downstairs bath, stairs, upstairs hall, playroom f/k/a jayhawk room, and Max's room. Some of the trouble spots on the downstairs trim will also be touched up.

We are on a tight time frame, and I think Kendra may have freaked out our contractor a bit when she told him that we wanted it done by the end of the month. The good news is that we should be able to post some sweet before-and-after shots relatively soon.


Jennifer said...

Can't wait to see the finished floors!

Unknown said...

And guess what it was doing when I met with the contractor? Snowing! Again. In fact, there was at least an inch of snow on the ground when I left Lathrop, even though it was only raining in KC. I'm starting to wonder if the weather patterns are going to be a bit different at the country estate...

Brian Bullock said...

I love your blog! As a person who is not "handy" at all, I am perhaps inspired to pick up a paint brush some time (or not :) ). Best wishes! Brian
