
2010 Year in Review

Our year* in less than 5 minutes

After multiple technology failures and a whole lotta drama, I finally got this posted.  It's bugging the heck out of me that you have to click on it again after you get to Web Albums to view it, but I really think this is the best I can do.  Seriously, I could write a blog post about how this simple little movie was such a pain to get posted.  But I won't.  Just enjoy the movie.  

*note: I know this is supposed to be a house blog, but I didn't really find any of our home improvements this year (landscaping, furnace repair, insulating, new toilets, pipe repair, new roof, bathroom remodel in progress) interesting enough for our YIR.  Stay tuned for updates on our DIY projects.


Kathy from NJ said...

That's a wonderful slide show, thank you for posting it.

dfrench23 said...

Well done!