
Out with the old!

Last weekend, we had a garage sale. Above is the "before" photo of Max's clothes, shoes, hats, socks, etc. that he wore during the first two years of his life. It was SHOCKING for me to see it all. How could one little person possibly have needed all that? Two boxes of shoes??? He has tiny feet that don't grow! And we have two more big bags of gender-neutral clothes (not pictured here) that we put away for baby Lucy...

There was a part of me that was afraid to go through it all, thinking I'd probably get all sentimental and teary-eyed as I remembered the pajamas he puked on at my sister's or the outfit he wore when he threw his very first temper-tantrum. But sorting through it all reminded me that I am not a pack-rat and I just don't get sentimental about "things," so there were few tears. In fact, it was a lot of fun looking at his little outfits, thinking about how far he's come, and knowing that we should be so proud of the person he's becoming. And it was somewhat therapeutic to begin to clear out some space in our home--and our family--for our little girl. Just the first step in getting ready for the changes to come...