
997, 998, 999...1,000!

Last night at 8:59 pm, Gonna Eat a Lot of Peaches recorded its 1,000th visitor. While that is not a big deal for most websites, I am utterly shocked that this many people take time to read the (somewhat) regular updates on our little project. From traffic statistics, I would guess that there are about 15-20 regular readers of the blog, and we are grateful that y'all are reading. It certainly makes it easier to spew forth posts when you know that there is a dedicated--albeit small--audience for their consumption.

I know the suspense is killing everybody--the 1,000th visitor was from Little Rock, Arkansas, having been referred to our blog from Houseblogs.net. Come forward to claim your prize!


Jennifer said...

Congratulations! How are you tracking it?

Joe said...

We created an account with Sitemeter.com. It requires you to stick a little Site Meter logo on your page, and then it tracks information. You can also use tracking tools through Google.

Anonymous said...